Sunday, February 08, 2009

Pro-Life Presidential Valentine Campaign

You may have seen this idea floating around the Internet:

Get a red envelope. On the front, address it to:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

On the back of the envelope, write the following message.

This envelope represents one child who died in abortion.
It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world.
Responsibility begins with conception.

Put it in the mail, and send it. Then forward this to every one of your friends who you think would send one too. I wish we could send 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who died before having a chance to live. Maybe it will change the heart of the president.

Esther (A Catholic Mom in Hawaii) has an idea with a slightly different twist for this project. Because some have suggested that empty envelopes can be flimsy and might get tangled up in postal machines--never making it to the White House--she proposes that the red envelope would instead contain a small card with these words:
OPEN your heart to the lives of your unborn CITIZENS. Be a President to ALL Americans!

She also urges us to put in a bunch of prayer cards while you're at it!

I'll be asking Little Brother to decorate my envelopes with some heart-shaped stickers--those are easy to find right now, and they go with the message I'll be including on the card.

Please find a way for your family to join this project--and pass the word along. It's very simple but has the potential to be very powerful.

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