Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hello, yes, it's been a while...

Here I am, hanging out on the couch at home. I am recovering well thanks to the insistence of my family that I spend this time resting. They even sent for a babysitter in the form of Mom, because I definitely require that kind of policing.

My house has never been so clean.

Middle Sister held down the fort in the after-school hours quite admirably last week. She cooked, cleaned up, and fussed at the hygiene-averse Little Brother.

Once I recovered from the Evil Epidural from Hell, which kept me semi-anesthetized and completely glazed over for several days before I said no to drugs and kicked the double vision, I was on my feet quickly. My incision is smaller than what I was led to expect, and it's held together by Crazy Glue. (Don't go there. Yes, it's probably appropriate.)

I got very good care at the hospital, but a separate rant about facility design is in order. But the staff? Top notch.


Bean said...

sounds as if you are recuperating nicely - keep it up.


nicole said...

Keep resting! Keep letting people help! Remember--grace. Glad all is going well so far.

Lynn said...

Barb, I'm so glad to know that you've been able to sit back and let people love you.

Daria Sockey said...

Glad you are doing well. Very glad.

Daria Sockey said...

Glad you are doing well. Very glad.