My clutter is your gain, though. I've got a book here that I know someone will benefit from: Life-Giving Love by Kimberly Hahn. While the book is used, it's still in excellent shape. One random commenter will receive this book.
Any commenter who leaves me a tip on decluttering my many, many books will get a bonus entry.
I will leave this giveaway open until 8 AM Eastern on Sunday, February 21.
My tip is to sell books on Amazon, it worked quite well for me!
But you should not enter me in your giveaway, because I am trying to keep from accumulating books now that I have gotten down to the bare minimum.
Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!
My tip would be to sign up for You list the books you don't want, and people select them and you ship them to them (you do have to pay for shipping). When they receive the book, you get a credit that you can use to order a book off anybody's selection. There are over 4 million books listed for swap. If you sign up, use my email as a referral! :)
heather y
hi Barb!
if they're spiritual books, maybe any retreat houses would take them if they have a little library or reading room. or, even people in your parish or nearby parishes-some people who would enjoy some spiritual reading can't afford books and this would be another idea. i knew of a parish that had two bookcases in the vestibule of the church for people to leave and take books. hope this helps! PEACE! ~tara t~
I am an avid reader, and after 20+ years had quite overfilled the book shelves in our family room. Several years ago I decided that I had to make an effort to get the book stash under control.
First - I went through book by book and asked myself would I ever read this again, if yes I sat it aside in the "keep" stack, if no it went into a box. Then I started the process again going through the keep stack and weeded out more. First off I took all of the books to work, set them out on a conference room table, sent an email about free books and waited. A number of people helped themselves to a good number of books. After a week or so, I boxed the books up and hauled them to Goodwill.
Now if I want to purchase a book I will get it from the library first. As I can borrow the book again, again from the library I rarely purchase books. If I purchase a spiritual/inspirational book I read it and pass it on.
Childrens books can always be donated to literacy alliances, pre schools, private schools, daycare centers etc.
The funny thing is, I have never regretted getting rid of the books, and I have not missed any of them, and best of all my favorites, books I read over and over are still right here on my book shelf.
Good Luck de-cluttering!
I love that book! My copy has gone missing for some time, and I could use the refresher. :)
As for decluttering books, it seems that everyone has shared some good ideas. I like to give my books to the library, in the hopes that at least some make it to the shelves where I can check them out again should I ever feel the need to re-read. You can also sell them at used book stores, or see if any schools need them (ours is collecting books for a used book sale right now).
I always like to start with the books that i will never read again, and then I post the ones I am willing to part with on Craigs list. I like to list them by title so people who really want that book can find me. Good luck
Does your library take used books? Ours doesn't take them during tax season as the space where you put the books is currently filled with tax forms. If the library doesn't work, you could freecycle them. Do the St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores take books or only clothes?
Good luck! I'm going to go fill up a bag of clothes and drop it off at the St. Vincent de Paul bin when we go to the Children's Liturgy this afternoon.
No need to send me a book. We still have a basement full from when we moved here -- 7 years ago! Only 39 bags to go.
Your cousin, Kathy
Hey, I thought I made up the Lenten decluttering challenge. My thing is to get rid of 1 cubic foot of stuff per day - last time I overshot my goal and got rid of 100 cubic feet of clothes and books. I bring my extra books to my local library. They give me a tax receipt and either donate it somewhere or sell it in their bi-weekly book sale fundraiser. Also my church has a book shelf from which it gives to those who come to the food pantry; they take children's books and self-help books for adults etc.
Ok Barb...I want that book! I don't know how much of a "tip" this is for you...but here is how I handle decluttering books.
Once a year...our parish school has a "Used Book Collection" week. For one week, you can bring books, magazines or videos/CD/DVD's to the school. They count them, and our kids get credit. The class that has the most credits...wins a non uniform day. Then...the next week is the "Used Book Sale"....books are only 25 cents.
I love this time of year! This year, I got rid of over 200 books! Mostly infant/toddler books (because my youngest is 4 and has moved on to other types of books). Then, I went to the bookstore and each of my kids got $2 to buy books they wanted. I don't mind, because next year...we do the same thing. Lot's of books out....a few short books in.
If you don't have a school near you that does something like this....declutter your books anyway...then donate them to a used book store...the library or your local cancer center (the place where I got my chemo....had a whole library of books to choose from while your getting chemo).
Or..there is the old out. If you buy a new book, you must get rid of one old book.
Anyway...I hope some of this helps!
Have a lunch with some friends over and set out some of the books you think that group might like and let them have their pick. After that, I'd give the rest away to my church library or Salvation Army, etc.
Oh..I would save the best that I was through reading..for my children. At some point or the other, they will appreciate that as my mom saved a few for me and I love that she did that. :)
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