We have one of those now, right around the corner.
Today Middle Sister and her BFF wanted to go sledding, but the sleds were in the back of TheDad's car and he had gone to help a friend with a computer problem. So they decided to take a walk. They just got back.
"Guess what, Mom! Today I ordered my first-ever coffee at Starbucks," she reported.
I asked what she got.
"Well, first I got a coffee," she began.
"FIRST? You had MORE THAN ONE coffee at Starbucks?"
"Yeah! After that I got a caramel Frappuccino. It was really good."
I made some comment about her being unable to sleep for the next three days.
Then she remarked, "This was a pretty successful day."
"Yeah, for Starbucks," I replied, thinking that she had just spent $7 on coffee.
Lord. Well, Barb, my girl has been drinking coffee at home since age "just walking" (which she started to do at 10 months). :)
I loathe Starbucks; if I ever get coffee from a fancy place like that, I go to Caribou. I cant justify spending that much on coffee all the time, and on top of that, the coffee is way to acidic at Starbucks.
I wish we had a Caribou here. Or maybe I don't--my budget couldn't take it. I can get bags of Caribou at the supermarket, and it's delicious.
Starbucks tastes "burned" to me; I really don't like it. If I want a coffee treat (like a latte) I go to Panera, also right around the corner!
I thought I was the only one who doesn't like their coffee. I did love their frothy cold drinks and drinks with heavy whipped cream and peppermint, then I found out how many calories were in each and yikes! Not only was I getting poorer but fatter, too. No thanks.
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