One of my grandmothers had a special devotion to St. Maximilian Kolbe. In fact, I first heard of him from her. She had a nickname for everyone, it seemed--and she called him "Uncle Max."
Today I am thankful for St. Maximilian, for his example of perseverance and unselfishness, and his urging that through imitating the love of Mary, we can come to a deeper love of God. Part of that love is recognizing that God has given us many gifts, and being thankful for them.
Today I am thankful that we are all home again, all together. This has been a weird weekend. My parents took Middle Sister and Little Brother to their house on Saturday so TheDad and I could attend a wedding on Sunday. Big Brother stayed home alone. Yesterday he and I drove "up north" to pick the kids up. When we got home, TheDad was waiting for us. It just feels good to be all together again.
Today I am thankful for TheDad's easy attitude that he displayed Sunday when I realized that I had the Tiniest Black Purse on Earth and that it wouldn't fit my bare essentials: wallet, phone, keys, lipstick and asthma inhaler. "I have to run to Target," I informed him as I zipped out the door. When I came home and said, "I'm back," he called out, "It looks great" without even turning around to SEE the new purse.
Today I am thankful for kids who make me laugh. Last night in the car we had a lot of fun. Out of the clear blue sky we got announcements like, "I want a kazoo." (that was Big Brother)
Today I am thankful for sunshine, the sound of birds and cicadas, clotheslines, and the BOGO sale at Payless. And for all the other gifts, big and small, that God has given today.
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