Mike Koelzer is a pharmacist who has chosen to stop selling birth-control pills in his family-owned pharmacy, because of the abortifacient qualities of these pills.
But check out this press release from American Life League on what this man has to put up with because of his choice on how to run his business!
Washington, D.C. (18 September 2008) – P.Z. Myers, the infamous Minnesota biology professor who incited national outcry after desecrating the Eucharist and photographing the act for his blog, has now unleashed his venom on a new target - Mike Koelzer, a member of American Life League Associate group Pharmacists for Life International.
"Not content with desecrating Catholics' most sacred Sacrament, Myers is once again spewing hate and anger at anyone who would dare proclaim a belief in God or attempt to stop the murder of the preborn," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
Koelzer, owner of Kay Pharmacy in Grand Rapids, Michigan, stopped selling contraceptive products in 2002. He's been featured in The Washington Post and on ABC World News for his views on abortion-causing drugs.
Myers' latest screed of religious intolerance on his blog Pharyngula incited an all-out internet attack against Koelzer. Threats and hate mail inundated Koelzer's e-mail after he inadvertently sent Myers a speaking invitation.
"I would enjoy speaking at your church or your organization's conference or other event. I also would be honored to have you share my apostolate in your blog etc. To learn more about my apostolate, please see www.prolifepharmacy.com," Koelzer's invitation read.
An outraged Myers asked his blog readers to flood Koelzer's Web site with mail. They replied en masse with over 400 threats of profanity and hate-filled messages including:
"Burn the building to the ground. And have Mike Koelzer sterilized."
"Commit suicide."
"Mike Koelzer is being persecuted for trying to protect innocent human life," Brown said. "We encourage all American Life League supporters to log onto this site and lend your support to the efforts of this courageous man."
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death.
Pharyngula: He Doesn't Know Me Very Well (15 September 2008)
Pharmacists for Life International
Catholic News Agency: Pro-Life Pharmacy Owner Explains Hi No-Contraception Policy (15 September 2008)
The Washington Times: Professor Solicits Hosts to Desecrate (12 July 2008)
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