Wednesday, September 24, 2008

From the Ridiculous to the Sublime

Little Brother and I were in the car on our way to pick up Big Brother after stage crew. We were listening to the radio, which was playing a classic rock song.

"Is this the Guitar Hero station?" he wanted to know.

"Yes," I told him.

"Can you put on the New Britain station?"

For a minute I thought that maybe XM was changing their lineup again: they've got all-Kenny Chesney, all the time, and all-Metallica, all the I asked him what they play on the New Britain Station.

"You know, Amazing Grace," he responded.

I was completely shocked. "How do you know that Amazing Grace is New Britain?"

"It was in the church book," he informed me, like I should know this already. "I look it up every week. Amazing Grace is my favorite." (He learned it at Vacation Bible School this summer).

If XM had a New Britain station, Little Brother would listen. So would I, for that matter.

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