I was just reading Hugh McNichol's column at CatholicMom.com. (I found out recently that he is a former faculty member at Big Brother's school--how cool is that!) McNichol describes a custom at his daughter's school--Donuts with Dad.
It's a good idea. Even though more and more moms are joining the dads in the workforce, it's mainly the moms who are seen around school--unless there are sports involved. Donuts with Dad, and other events like it, give dads an opportunity to see the world where their children spend six or seven hours a day, five days a week. And such events give dads a chance to meet other dads and encourage each other in the very important work dads do, supporting their families in immeasurable ways, not just financial ones.
My kids are fortunate to have a dad who would gladly attend a Donuts with Dad on some school morning, who works very hard so that they can attend Catholic schools and live in a neighborhood where they can play basketball in the street and leave their bicycle out in the driveway all night (and still find it there in the morning), who makes sure that they attend Mass each Sunday, and who cares enough to "friend" them on Facebook. They are blessed to have a dad who sees to it that his mom isn't spending every weekend alone, who encourages them to do their very best, and who grew a Cub Scout Pack from 2 to 22 in 2 short years so that Little Brother would have the same opportunities in Scouting that Big Brother had.
I wish my kids' school had a Donuts with Dad. Their dad sure deserves it!
Sounds like a program you could start at your school - are you up for the challenge?? :)
Neat idea. And I'm sure that your husband should be first in line for being a great dad.
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