Two days ago, on my 19th anniversary, my teenage son drive me to the gynecologist's office because I was experiencing a fever after Friday's surgery. The "kick-butt" antibiotics he gave me (3 different ones) really did kick my butt. More precisely, they've kicked me in the gut.
Today the doctor gave me an antinausea medication and told me to stop everything else but Tylenol and liquids until 6 PM when he will call me to see how things go. This is a doctor who gives out his personal cell phone number and calls on his day off. My goal is not to have a fever and not to throw up. He told me to stay in bed and stay hydrated. If this doesn't work out, it's back to the hospital.
I am super-grateful to my local neighbors and friends who have brought casseroles, comfort and Girl Scout Cookies. And to my mom, who returned home today, who didn't have to cook much because of that, so she scrubbed my floors on her hands and knees in between bringing me tea and Jello.
I'm grateful in advance for your prayers. I cannot make a nice birthday dinner for Big Brother today, never mind a cake. I don't want to land in the hospital tonight too.
Barb, I hope you feel much better very soon. I'll keep you in my prayers!
praying for you still. I am sorry you are not feeling that well but glad you have a great doctor.
Oh Barb! I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so poorly. I'll keep praying for you!
Prayers for a speedy recovery. Sorry to hear about your setback. Call if you need anything.
You are in my prayers! I can't imagine how awful you must be feeling. I wish I lived closer so I could help you out some. Sounds like you're being taken care of though!
Hang in there....hopefully very soon this will be behind you!
so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. prayers continue for you! PEACE! ~tara t~
Still praying; hope you are well very soon.
You poor thing. Rest up.
Prayers going out for you right now. Hope you feel better soon.
My prayers arise. Hope you feel better soon...
I will continue to pray for your recovery (and peace of mind and ability to surrender your typical mother-ly duties). :)
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