At the time, we lived in a neighborhood that was primarily retired military. They were great neighbors; there was always someone at home (and out in their yards) during the day--but there was no one for Big Brother to play with and no moms for me to chat with.
That's where the SAHMs came in--the Stay At Home Moms from the AOL bulletin boards. We had our own little meeting spot where we could stop in at any time and post a message; in no time at all, it seemed, someone would leave a comment for us.
We encouraged each other through births of children, infertility, deaths of parents, job losses, military deployments, potty training, temper tantrums, food allergies and health crises. And when we gradually moved away from AOL, we took our core group with us and formed an email list. That petered out after a while, but then along came Facebook--and magically, we're all back in touch again.
Now it's time to support one of our number, as we've just learned (via Facebook) that one of the SAHMs has suddenly lost her 20-year-old son. He was a college student, and an intelligent young man of many talents and great promise.
I request the kindness of your prayers for the repose of Mark's soul, and for his parents and two brothers and many friends and relatives who mourn his loss.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. And may those he left behind be comforted.
Praying. May God provide consolation and comfort to Mark's family.For the repose of Mark's soul.
His family is in my prayers today. sahmatwork
Lord have Mercy, I have a 20 year old myself, so this hits close to home.
May Mark's Memory be Eternal.
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