I'm glad that I was needed in the choir for yesterday's noon Mass. I love Easter Vigil, and it's nice to sit with my family, but I needed to do the music on Sunday. It just completed Easter for me.
Sunday's noon Mass was a full house--standing room only, even in the choir! Since I pretty much only sit during the homily, I gave up my chair to someone else and sat on the bench at the window at that time. I was happy that there were so many who wanted to rejoice by raising our voices! We had lots of little ones in the choir too--one member had her baby twin boys, who made some quiet "happy baby noises" and were very good and of course very cute; one of the kids in the choir was visited frequently by her little sister, who would wander over from the nearby pew where the rest of the family sat, and our music leader's toddler was there as well. We're family-friendly in this choir, and that's really nice.
Father reminded all of us that our most important job on Easter is to renew our baptismal promises, and that despite the fact that "Catholics are really good at mumbling," he expected us to do that with great enthusiasm. He also invited us to get a good look at the Empty Tomb. And that's another reason I was glad I came back on Sunday. The tomb was even more beautiful with the light streaming through the stained-glass window behind it. But the most beautiful thing about the empty tomb is what it represents.
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