It's time for Catholic Summer Reading and the votes are in!
The winners are:
Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI
St. Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton
Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos
I've already read the Chesterton but it deserves a re-read. The Pope, of course, won by a landslide. And the Bernanos book is new to me but certainly looks intriguing.
Not only are these books wonderful additions to your personal library, but they'd be great for your parish libraries as well.
You can download discussion guides for each book as well as suggested reading for kids and teens at the Catholic Summer Reading main page. Check it out! There are also book lists of the 64 books from which the finalists were chosen and 100 books that should be part of any parish library. Does your parish have them? (My SFO fraternity maintains a library open to the parish, and you can bet I'll be checking this list against our library catalog).
UPDATE: Soutenus is collecting a Blogger's Choice of Catholic Books. Post your favorites in the comments and check out what others suggest.
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