Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It's been a busy day in Housecleaning World. I took down the curtains in the living room, dining room and kitchen, and washed them along with the tablecloths from the living-room side tables. Then I washed windows in the living room and kitchen, and ironed curtains for the kitchen as well as the tablecloths (heavy starch on those, thankyouverymuch). I scrubbed the screens for the living-room windows--a bank of 4 windows 6 feet tall and 30 inches wide.

I started dough for Danielle's beer rolls. I hosted a birthday party for Adventure Boy and was thankful for my neighbor, who made the delicious cake.

And THEN I ran out of gas.

The dining-room windows are still not washed, and the living-room windows are clean but naked. Now there's a big, giant spider with striped legs busy building a web outside one of the dining-room windows, so it looks like my window of opportunity for washing those without the interference of local wildlife has passed.

I didn't want to cook dinner, but I put on my apron and got things started. I was thankful for my rice cooker, and even more thankful when Middle Sister came into the kitchen, saw that I was all set up to make Chicken Piccata, and said, "I'll cook!"

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