So here's the lineup you'll hear if you show up at the 12:15. (Local readers please note: it's 12:15 and it's not at our USUAL noon location.)
PRELUDE: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones (a cappella)
ENTRANCE: Glory in the Cross (Easter verses)
GLORIA: Foley ("Give glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth!") We chose this one because we know it best and also because it's the most festive one we know. It's Easter! We want a HAPPY gloria!
PSALM: This is the Day (Joncas)
ALLELUIA!! (I don't remember which one our choir leader told me to pull out. But it'll be great to sing it again, no matter which one it is.)
PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS: All Good Gifts (from Godspell. OK, not a favorite of mine to do at a liturgy. But whatever...I don't get to pick.)
MASS: Mass of Creation (I lobbied for the St. Louis Jesuits' Mass for Easter, since the "Amen" contains many "alleluias," but the music director nixed that one. Apparently we know it; she doesn't.)
COMMUNION: Christ, Be Our Light
CLOSING: Lift Up Your Hearts. (We opted out of Join in the Dance, yippee! But I have to be careful, because I know the OLD, non-PC, lyrics by heart.)
So most of it is just great, and I'm looking forward to singing some HAPPY music.
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