I would like to echo Jean's prayers today:
For a holy Lent for each of us:
That this season of Lent will be a time of greater prayer, fasting, and almsgiving for each of us and for all the Church.
That these days of Lent will be a time marked by greater efforts at peacemaking throughout the world.
That this Lent through our sacrifices hearts and souls will return to the Lord, especially those who are ensnared in the culture of death.
That God will repair all the broken relationships in our lives and transform our hearts into merciful, gentle, and forgiving hearts.
That through our Lenten prayer and fasting, there will be an end to abortion, same sex marriages, cloning, embryonic stem cell research, and cloning.
That during this Lenten season, God will rescue those who live at a distance from Him because of self-absorption or sin.
That each of us will be generous in our almsgving this Lent and especially attentive to the needs of the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, and women who are involved in crisis pregnancies.
Prayer of Saint Francis before the Cross:
Most high, all-glorious, all-good God,
Bring light to the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith,
Firm hope,
And perfect charity,
With wisdom and insight, O Lord,
That I might always discern
Your holy and true will.
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