This is a tough one because I am given to ranting. But you already knew
Christine has tagged me for this meme and I like to play along. I liked a lot of her may see some reruns here!
--Books everywhere. I have piles on the couch, on the table, on my desk, on my nightstand, on the floor, in my library bag (which is never quite big enough)--oh yeah, and on the bookcase! I'm reading several of them all at once.
--Guitar masses. I've been a musician at Mass since 1981 and I play the guitar. It CAN be tastefully done, and without music that's full of bad theology.
--Little Brother's Legos that are littering the family room floor. He's busy. He's improving his eye-hand coordination and learning about how to design buildings that aren't top-heavy (as well as some really cool "ships.") He's having fun. Plus, I don't go around the house without shoes.
--Dust. I always hated dusting, and since my sister had terrible asthma as a child, Mom always made ME do it. All those Hummels in the dining room....I've developed the ability not to notice the dust.
Little kids wearing clothes that don't match. It's part of their charm. I think all moms should be given a roll of stickers that read "I dressed myself today" for those moments when a small child insists on wearing flowered pants, a striped shirt and a ballet tutu, with her rain boots, to the supermarket.
--Hand-me-downs. I'm grateful for all that come our way.
--Ironing. I rather enjoy ironing, actually--especially in the fall, when I try to time this chore for Saturday afternoons so I can watch
Notre Dame play football.
--Disco music and other great tunes of the 1970s. I love the
70s station on XM radio. It drives my kids bananas, but I enjoy it thoroughly.
--Underscheduling of children. I live by it! The only activity we have ever "pushed" with any of the kids is Boy Scouting. Otherwise, if they ask about an activity, we consider it. We don't make it our goal to have our kids committed to sports or other activities to the extent that they need their own PDA to keep track of their schedules. They have shown us that they know their own limits, and it did not result in a lazy, uninvolved teenager in Big Brother's case: he's a Boy Scout on his way to Eagle, a member of the Cross-Country and track teams, a member of the Flying Club and the Alternative Activities Club (have fun without drugs or alcohol, plus community service), and helped with Stage Crew this year--all while taking 2 honors classes and staying on the honor roll.
Here's some that Christine had that I want to include:
--Veal. If only it were in the budget more often! YUM!
--Novus Ordo. See above, about the guitar Masses. I was born in 1965. I don't know anything else and that's OK. I'd like to attend a Latin Mass just once, though!
--Walmart. I'm a homemaker on a budget. I have to do the best I can with what I have, and be wise about how I spend the money TheDad works hard to earn.
--Movies and TV. Yes, we watch them. And my inner-7th-grade-boy enjoys the "potty humor" in
Shrek just as much as anyone else.