Monday, April 10, 2006

I Guess It's OK to Name Names, Under the Circumstances

Middle Sister came downstairs announcing rather sadly, "James Bob died."

I asked who James Bob was. "He's the bug that was living in my light. I was trying to keep him alive by not turning the light on."

(And all this time I thought she was just using her desk lamp for the "atmosphere.")

Now that I was aware that it wasn't necessary to dole out generous portions of tea and sympathy, I observed that a bug inside a globe light probably wouldn't have had long to live, with no air or food source.

"But he did live a long time! He was in there since January when my friend slept over! And even before that!" (Ewwww....and you're just now mentioning that there's a bug in there?)

I didn't think it was wise to point out that if she had asked a grownup when she first noticed the bug, someone would have removed the globe and set the poor thing free. I'll wait until she's out of mourning, first.

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