This stuff has been sitting here since February, when the role of minister of my SFO fraternity was thrust upon me. The out-going minister handed along a File Box O'Stuff.
Then the parish merged with another parish and we had to clean out a file cabinet in the rectory basement. Guess where that stuff went?
Yup. My dining room.
Much of this stuff is stuff that the minister needs to keep at hand. But it was really getting in the way, especially since I need to start getting cleaned up so the Christmas decorations can come out to play. Plus, the cloth file box stacked underneath a cardboard file box next to a tote bag was SO attractive in my dining room.
So I cleared the dining room table and immediately covered it with the contents of those boxes and the tote bag. Then I found a small file box (that fits under one of my living-room side tables so it's covered by the tablecloth) and got down to business.
Five hours, one bag of recycled paper and a trip to the Parish Center later (to drop off some books for the fraternity library) I was all done. Everything important is filed in the box. Meeting minutes are in the proper places in the proper binders. I found papers in there from the days when the fraternities were bound to Friar Provinces rather than Regions. I kept one copy of everything but tossed most duplicates (like we needed 24 "programs" from a Mass celebrated in 1984....) Things are now filed and portable--so when elections roll around this summer I can easily pass this stuff off to the next minister!
I've still got a couple of tote bags out, but they're neat. One for choir, one for SFO and one for SFO music and Greccio scripts. They are all lined up next to my guitar. Not bad for a day's work, and the backache is worth it.
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