Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Melded Books Meme

Jean at Catholic Fire tagged me for this one. I love books AND word games, so this was a lot of fun.

Here are the rules: Blend two book titles together by using the last word of one title and the first word of the second title. If you want, you can blend the authors' names too. (I am assuming that I don’t have to actually OWN the books listed.)

Cold Sassy Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Olive Ann Smith

Notes from a Small Island of the Blue Dolphins by Bill O’Dell

When Crickets Cry the Beloved Country by Charles Patton

Their Eyes Were Watching God on a Harley by Zora Neale Brady

How Green Was My Valley of the Dolls by Richard Susann

North of Hope for the Flowers by Jon Paulus

The Coalwood Way of the Wolf by Homer Bell

A Time to Kill a Mockingbird by John Lee

Peace Like a River Runs Through It by Leif Maclean

and my personal favorite:
The Habit of Being and Nothingness by Flannery Sartre

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