Big Brother is a freshman in high school. He's been in school 2 weeks. He's really enjoying it. And his favorite class is German.
I'm a certified Spanish teacher with almost 4 years in the classroom and at least that many of tutoring. He took German despite my offer of Free At-Home Tutoring Anytime He Needed It. German, I can't help him. But he had his heart set on it, and I figured that if he was motivated to study German, he'd do well.
Today the principal and guidance counselors visited his German class to inform them that the German teacher has gone on a Leave of Absence and the students would have to pick a different language. This means that he will have to start in Spanish beginning Friday, 2 weeks behind everyone else. His whole schedule may change, so the teachers I meet tonight at Back to School Night might not be the teachers he has on Friday--but he won't get the new schedule until first thing Friday morning.
This school is managing to make a bad impression on me on SO many levels. My mom (who worked hard to send all of us to Catholic school) immediately told me today, "Pull him out. Put him in the public school."
That's NOT what I want to do, even if I could forgive and forget the required $76 shoes....what would be worse? Taking him out of his "language of choice" and dumping him into a class he DOESN'T want (read: he'll do poorly & have a bad attitude) plus change his whole schedule and teachers that he has just gotten to know, or put him in a whole new environment?
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